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Holiday/ Christmas Programs

Free Walk-In Medical Clinic


As of July 8, 2024, Mission for Area People now offers a FREE walk-in medical clinic to uninsured and underinsured residents of Muskegon County.


As an answer to prayer, LOVE in Action has provided MAP with a physician (Dr. Kevin Kiley, MD) and an assistant (Jody Buttery, LOVE in Action Director of Clinics) who will provide medical care in MAP's new community service space on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am - 12pm. Also serving the clinic is medical volunteer Kelly Plichta.




Free walk-in care is critical for our low-income and homeless populations, and for individuals resisting care due to existing medical debt. Medical debt, lack of transportation and/or access to phones all diminish a patients ability and likeliness to seek care. The walk-in clinic ensures our most vulnerable populations have access to necessary medical care.


Additionally, MAP has partnered with Access Health to offer in-house Community Health Worker (CHW) services. The CHW will connect families visiting our clinic with DHHS services, including completing Medicaid and Medicare applications, and provide referrals to a permanent medical home, where applicable.


If you or someone you know needs medical care, come see us at 2500 Jefferson St, Muskegon Heights in the lower-level Client Services area. If you would like to donate to the cost of operating the free clinic, follow this link:


 Tiny Agency    Big Impact  

Address: 2500 Jefferson St., Muskegon Heights


Phone: 231.733.9672

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 3:30pm

Mission For Area People

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